Euro Coins Home Page1 euro coin - Reverse side

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Euro Type Sets

1999 Euro Sets

2000 Euro Sets

2001 Euro Sets

2002 Euro Unofficial* Coin Sets - All 12 States

2002 Euro Coin Sets - All 12 x 1 Euro Coins

2002 Individual Euro Coins

2002 Official Euro Coin Mint Sets

2002 Generic Euro Set

Presidency Set - 12 x 1 Euro

Proof Euro Sets

Starter Packs


All Euro Sets - Don't Miss Any

Packaging - Ours

British Euro Patterns 9 Coin Proof Set

British Euro Patterns in Silver

British �5 Silver Piedfort

British Euro Patterns 8 Coin Blister Pack

Danish Euro Patterns

Swedish Euro Patterns

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Euro coins info
Britain & The Euro
Should Britain Join?

How to Identify Euro Coins

Images & Specifications

Images - 1 Cents

Images - 2 Cents

Images - 5 Cents

Images - 10 Cents

Images - 20 Cents

Images - 50 Cents

Images - 1 Euros

Images - 2 Euros

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* = The coins are all official original issues from the countries themselves, it is only our packaging which is unofficial.

Specifications of Euro Coins

Euro Coins Specifications
There are 8 different euro coins denominations. These are 2 and 1 euros, then 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents, one of each totals 3.88 euro. They were being produced and stockpiled by the Central Banks of the Eurozone states since 1999, and entered circulation on January 1st 2002. Within a few months, all previous national coins have been withdrawn.

Common Reverse Designs
Every euro coin carries a common European face. On the obverse (head) side, each Member State decorates the coins with their own motifs. No matter which motif is on the coins they can be used anywhere inside the 12 Member States. For example, a French citizen can buy a hot dog in Berlin using a euro coin carrying the imprint of the King of Spain.

Design Selection Process
Each of the member states were invited to submit up to three series of designs for the common reverse designs. The designs had to fit into one of three themes, architectural and ornamental, aims and ideals of the European union, or European personalities. A total of 36 different design series were submitted and considered. Nine of these were then put forward for opinion poll testing before the selection of the eventually successful design.

Design Symbolism
The common European face of the coins represents a map of the European Union against a background of transverse lines to which are attached the stars of the European flag. The 1, 2 and 5 cent coins put emphasis on Europe's place in the world while the 10, 20 and 50 present the Union as a gathering of nations. The 1 and 2 euro coins depict Europe without frontiers. Final designs were agreed at the European
Council meeting in Amsterdam in June 1997.

The designer of the Euro coin common reverse designs is Luc Luycx of the Belgian Royal Mint.

The Euro Symbol
The graphic symbol for the euro looks like an E with two clearly marked, horizontal parallel lines across it. It was inspired by the Greek letter epsilon, in reference to the cradle of European civilisation and to the first letter of the word 'Europe'. The parallel lines represent the stability of the euro. The official abbreviation for the euro is 'EUR'. It has been registered with the International Standards Organisation (ISO), and is used for all business, financial and commercial purposes, just as the terms 'FRF' (French franc), 'DEM' (Deutschmark), 'GBP' (pound sterling) and 'BEF' (Belgian franc) were previously used.

The Twelve Euro Zone Members
12 Member States participating at the euro from 1 January 1999:-
  • Belgi� / Belgique
  • Deutschland / Germany
  • Espa�a / Spain
  • France
  • Greece / Hellas
  • Ireland / Eire
  • Italia / Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Nederland / Netherlands / Holland
  • �sterreich / Austria
  • Portugal
  • Suomi / Finland
In addition there are 3 minor states who can also issue their own euro coins:-
  • Monaco
  • San Marino
  • Vatican
January 1st 1999 - The euro became a valid giro currency, together with the individual national currencies.

January 1st 2002 - Euro single giro currency; emission of euro coins and notes.

July 1st 2002 (Latest) - Individual currencies disappear forever. It was expected that the complete withdrawal of previous coins and notes would take place much more rapidly, within about two months instead of the six months allowed.

Euro Coin Images -Relative Sizes
We can't make these coins life-size, because that would depend on the size of your monitor. You wouldn't believe it but people ask us all the time! We have shown each coin in proportion, with its actual diameter shown also. We have also included a larger image of each coin.

Euro Coin Images - National Sides
To help you identify which country any particular euro comes from, we have provided "indentifier" pages. Click on the value in the table below to view each national design for that coin.

Other Coin Images
For an interesting site with lots of coin images, take a look at

Common Reverse Design of the 2 Euro Coin
2 Euro - 25.75 mms.
Common Reverse Design of the 1 Euro Coin
1 Euro - 23.25 mms.
Common Reverse Design of the 50 Euro Cent Coin
50 Cents - 24.25 mms.
Common Reverse Design of the 20 Euro Cent Coin
20 Cents - 22.25 mms.
Common Reverse Design of the 10 Euro Cent Coin
10 Cents - 19.75 mms.
Common Reverse Design of the 5 Euro Cent Coin
5 Cents - 21.25 mms.
Common Reverse Design of the 2 Euro Cent Coin
2 Cents - 18.75 mms.
Common Reverse Design of the 1 Euro Cent Coin
1 Cent - 16.25 mms.

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