Order Form - U.S.A.
Please print out this page and mail it to us with your check.
Please print clearly in block capitals.
Quantity Date Country Description Each Total $  .  ¢:
  Airmail Handling & Packing at Buyer's Risk, or... $10.00  
  ...Fully Insured Shipping via Fedex $20.00  
  Check enclosed payable to "Chard" * Total  $

* Attention US Customers: Please make your check payable to "Chard", not "Chard Limited" or Chard (1964) Limited. The reason is this: Our regular bank charge us almost $20 for every US check, and insist that each one be processed using a separate document. Instead we use a different bank who charge us $15 to process up to $5,500 worth of US checks regardless of quantity. So unless you want to pay an extra $20, just put "Chard", thanks.

Please mail to:- (Use an address sticker if you wish.)
Street Address
Town / City
County / State
Country - USA
E-mail address (optional ) for advice of despatch
Telephone (optional )

If you prefer, please Email us for a quote

Please mail your check / postal order to:
Chard, 32 - 36 Harrowside, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 1RJ, England
Telephone 0044 - 1253 - 343081; Fax 408058; E-mail: [email protected]